1986 - Labyrinth. I have never been particularly into men in tight pants, but I do appreciate a good puppet and song. A very poetic movie if you study art and think too much about how things are applied in a subtle way, or are simply an insomniac until it takes on odd meaning. One of my favorite artists is MC Escher. This scene is so much his artwork I just curl into happy whenever I see it.
I recently was asked by my sister for a dabble of assistance with an art appreciation paper she had to write for a college course. Ok, not a problem, I did the same for an English course for her that pissed me off grandly because she said it was plagiarized. Hm, ok it was a piece ABOUT plagiarism, and how professors use software to detect it. Naturally my references would be picked up.... but I was really offended at the time because I have always had enough words for myself, I do not and will never, need to copy someone else.
All the same I agreed to write her paper on art appreciation because I took the classes, did the work and am very well versed in a topic not completely understood. When I started the course I thought how lame, staring at paintings all day and making poppycock, bullshit assertions about the color application and what have you.
I was wrong.
Art appreciation truly wraps into history, another of my great loves and that is where I found the balance. People created expression in any given time in accordance to the fashion OF that time. So to look at a still of a puffed up woman in repose, was quite fitting to the time. THAT to me is where it became interesting.
So... I wrote her paper and she spat it back. Asked me for references from the web, I said.... um... me? Lol I seriously studied college art, I didn't need googles help. The topic was Impressionism. Easy as fuck and not my favorite genre but again - it represented a huge movement in artists' going against the grain and truly changed what was accepted as art until that time, that is history. The artists who started that movement were persecuted, totally shunned by the public, Napoleon III himself was who deemed it art and shut them up. I wrote a good paper, if she changes it without a lot of study she is silly as fuck. I absolutely know what I'm talking about. I think because I write with big words she thinks I copied it. No idea, but funny if she doesn't know me better.
Anyhow MC Escher is batshit crazy awesome. Most of his work seems like it came out of mania, nay.... it is insanely clever. Take you an art appreciation course sometime. It's not nearly as drab as it seems.
- JM
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