Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Agitation Nation

Ok..... so a lot of buzz this week about the confederate flag.  It's an asshole, seriously a fucking cocking sucking asshole of a silent statement..  I do not recall the last time I saw one blazing that wasn't attached to a bigoted racist.  At one time it was a symbol of the proud south.... but hm, with a sideways cringe.... what were they so proud of?  Enslaving people they deemed less human on the simple, and I MEAN simple, thought that other races were lessor?  I am happy it's being questioned and potentially gone, but realistically.... all the issue is doing is riling up those WITH the flags to fight and go all angry.  "It's mine, I'll do what I please!"  It's not all that different from the right to bear arms fight.  It is equally my right to say shut the fuck up to both.  You don't need to flare a flag of hate, or march around with a weapon just because "you can."  It is shortsighted, ignorant, and really tells the intelligent people to simply avoid you with eyebrows raised in the fashion of "oh shit, we have one of THOSE here.  Check please?"

In other news, the government is forcing companies to cool out the artificial colors in their food.  Soooo expect Trix and Lucky Charms to go greyscale soon.  Ya know, I'm actively dying everyday I wake up.... please don't tell me that I cant have color in my food.  I am very aware a marshmallow doesn't wake up pink and purple.  But as it floats in my bowl of rainbow bliss.... I'm buying it by the buckets.  Sack off.  Also quit picking on my transfat foods.  If I am so stupid to kill myself in fatty goodness, let me.  This is America right, because I'm not seeing much of it anymore.  Everyone with a reason to be pissed.  Be pissed, by all means, wave a flag and march it out, but don't make your pissed impact my personal rights because you deem it healthy, or moral, or whatever bullshit faction you make stickers for.  Just sayin'. Song as always, quite intended.

- JM

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