Looking for someone to "cat sit." Any time I am out of town, I
am looking for someone, preferably high school student, to come every
other day, you choose the time, come and check dry food and water and
clean up litter & etc. Takes under 1/2 hour. Cat likes to be left
alone, does not like to be held and abhors strangers. $10 per visit. Ok, this shit fuck ad had me on the giggle for an hour this morning. It likes to be left alone, fed in peace and abhors strangers? Oh sign me the fuck up! Awesome news, you have a fucking cat! I have often said I love people who keep cats, someone needs to keep these assholes, but an entire ad to explain that you own a soloistic cunt? Just say "I have a cat", enough said, and we'd all just nod in unison. We all know the cat is a dick - exception being the rare cat-dog, which is still somewhat ostentatious, but acceptable and if really cool, fetches coins. /Pretzel. RIP. Best cat-dog to ever cat-dog. - JM
New word in my house tonight.
My ears caught said word as my Mister was playing his online shit that he is wont to play and flat blasted another player, and accused him of being pussifitory. I immediately tilted my head into a world of "that's awesome" new accusatory statement.
Not just being a pussy, but the actual ENGAGEMENT of actively being one. I can't say I have heard, nor created anything that incredible in a long time.
I've heard pussification, or pussified, certainly. Those are both past tense, he ... I still can't stop laughing, called someone that AS they were in the process of his opinion, doing it. Best adverb like.... ever.
Not only did he create the word, he used his headset thing ----- whatever men children use to yap to their gaming buddies... it's like a one eared headset with a microphone, he totally lit this person up in a slur of anger that I could only at first blink at, my posture stopping me mid-stride in interest, brows raising, then began clapping immediately in pure glee and magic.
That's the kind of word that will shut a mother fucker up. I married well. Really, how do you reply to that, I could but it would take a minute. My hat is off to Mr tonight.
Ok..... so a lot of buzz this week about the confederate flag. It's an asshole, seriously a fucking cocking sucking asshole of a silent statement.. I do not recall the last time I saw one blazing that wasn't attached to a bigoted racist. At one time it was a symbol of the proud south.... but hm, with a sideways cringe.... what were they so proud of? Enslaving people they deemed less human on the simple, and I MEAN simple, thought that other races were lessor? I am happy it's being questioned and potentially gone, but realistically.... all the issue is doing is riling up those WITH the flags to fight and go all angry. "It's mine, I'll do what I please!" It's not all that different from the right to bear arms fight. It is equally my right to say shut the fuck up to both. You don't need to flare a flag of hate, or march around with a weapon just because "you can." It is shortsighted, ignorant, and really tells the intelligent people to simply avoid you with eyebrows raised in the fashion of "oh shit, we have one of THOSE here. Check please?"
In other news, the government is forcing companies to cool out the artificial colors in their food. Soooo expect Trix and Lucky Charms to go greyscale soon. Ya know, I'm actively dying everyday I wake up.... please don't tell me that I cant have color in my food. I am very aware a marshmallow doesn't wake up pink and purple. But as it floats in my bowl of rainbow bliss.... I'm buying it by the buckets. Sack off. Also quit picking on my transfat foods. If I am so stupid to kill myself in fatty goodness, let me. This is America right, because I'm not seeing much of it anymore. Everyone with a reason to be pissed. Be pissed, by all means, wave a flag and march it out, but don't make your pissed impact my personal rights because you deem it healthy, or moral, or whatever bullshit faction you make stickers for. Just sayin'. Song as always, quite intended.
1986 - Labyrinth. I have never been particularly into men in tight pants, but I do appreciate a good puppet and song. A very poetic movie if you study art and think too much about how things are applied in a subtle way, or are simply an insomniac until it takes on odd meaning. One of my favorite artists is MC Escher. This scene is so much his artwork I just curl into happy whenever I see it.
I recently was asked by my sister for a dabble of assistance with an art appreciation paper she had to write for a college course. Ok, not a problem, I did the same for an English course for her that pissed me off grandly because she said it was plagiarized. Hm, ok it was a piece ABOUT plagiarism, and how professors use software to detect it. Naturally my references would be picked up.... but I was really offended at the time because I have always had enough words for myself, I do not and will never, need to copy someone else.
All the same I agreed to write her paper on art appreciation because I took the classes, did the work and am very well versed in a topic not completely understood. When I started the course I thought how lame, staring at paintings all day and making poppycock, bullshit assertions about the color application and what have you.
I was wrong.
Art appreciation truly wraps into history, another of my great loves and that is where I found the balance. People created expression in any given time in accordance to the fashion OF that time. So to look at a still of a puffed up woman in repose, was quite fitting to the time. THAT to me is where it became interesting.
So... I wrote her paper and she spat it back. Asked me for references from the web, I said.... um... me? Lol I seriously studied college art, I didn't need googles help. The topic was Impressionism. Easy as fuck and not my favorite genre but again - it represented a huge movement in artists' going against the grain and truly changed what was accepted as art until that time, that is history. The artists who started that movement were persecuted, totally shunned by the public, Napoleon III himself was who deemed it art and shut them up. I wrote a good paper, if she changes it without a lot of study she is silly as fuck. I absolutely know what I'm talking about. I think because I write with big words she thinks I copied it. No idea, but funny if she doesn't know me better.
Anyhow MC Escher is batshit crazy awesome. Most of his work seems like it came out of mania, nay.... it is insanely clever. Take you an art appreciation course sometime. It's not nearly as drab as it seems.
- JM
What's the problem? I don't see it. Only issue I see is the sensationalism of it, which I suppose I understand as something that has been shoved under a carpet and shamed for decades but with everything going on this planet.... THIS is our issue??
If someone says they are female or male, who gives a shit. It impacts absolutely nothing on me. That the hierarchy of the Christian and religious facts are vulturing on people who feel how they do instinctively, instead of feeding the poor, healing the sick..... shame on you. It is well within the bible that God will judge, sack off and stop thinking he needs you to do his bidding, he is quite capable if you truly believe in him. Spread the word of acceptance, even if you disagree. Humble servants of the Lord - if you read the good book as they say, it is our only duty. Not our place to judge and condemn, please review the holy book and stop taking it so fucking literal. It only makes you look like a bigoted asshole who is missing the entire point the Lord tried to make.
Rock on Caitlyn and all like her!
This dedication goes out most intentionally. Leave enough alone, there are bigger problems in the world. Get over yourselves, your self-contained and not invited judgements and have a cup of fucking tea. Be surprised how awesome the world is when you step off the soap box. (Ash of course this isn't at you, I am simply blogging here instead of where I used to. So you get it all lol)
Barely made it into the 80's, and far from my favorite song of theirs but they so fucking weird and throwback hipster ya just can't look away. I remember at the time this came out thinking "Holy shit!!!!.... Ginger from Gilligan's Island got out and became a pop star, right on sister!"
- JM
I can't believe we embraced this style. I extra dig the fake guitar playing, were they even trying to bullshit? Long live the mullet yo. Keep the neon blaring babe, I miss ya.
- JM
This smacks a bit of late 70's, but what do we care. Get your Michael on!!! I sure miss him and wear my shirt every year on the anniversary of his moving out, usually under my clothes.
So, don't stop 'til you get enough!!! Soul Train was bomb! /dances and prances!!!!
Bouncing back to the 80s. Probably one of the most meaningful songs to me, although a contradiction.
I have never needed friends, I blink at social shit like it's an obligation, always have. I could care less how people are on the day to day, short of illness. That doesn't mean I am immune, it simply means I have no problem detaching myself from things that I deem not worth my time and emotion. Asshole-ism. I suppose I just go blank, I care but feeding that emotion when I know it's one sided makes no sense, I am not a counselor. I can give advice, perspective.... but I am no one's parent or mentor.
That said, when I do find a true kindred I am glue. I am the monkey wrapped with all legs around tightly, clinging and begging for a treat. Eternally. I don't think it's very odd to be estranged from most people, I can and do interact, but on a soulful level.... I picky. There are a handful, and I mean that.... one hand I can count them on.... I give a shit about enough to get jail time if the situation called lol. All else are moot and passing memories in the breeze. I don't think that is too uncommon, but probably some sort of diagnosis if I ever saw a therapist. Perhaps I am indeed a giraffe, we don't really "need" anyone, but it's nice if the right one introduces itself. I am grateful for those few I have. It's quite the test to get into my heart, but worth it, I'd as the lyrics say .... walk the world, and always be there........
This is technically 1980's, but long before Eric Clapton lost his kid and what all.You can google a live version, but all that I found was lacking in quality that the song deserves.
My personal memoir. Coke was the shit! This all in much, much younger years, but a clean line has no comparison to the shit people are making in their sinks that leave you twitching for days like a manic on the hunt for more and more. Pure coke isn't that that way, not insidious, but certainly not a vitamin.
I have many a fond memory, one being holed up in a hotel room with half of Mr's co-workers, all in groups of varying levels throughout the suite. Some were at a table playing cards, some talking and talking and talking for the sake of it while chewing gum at super speed, others on the phone procuring more drugs, and the section of people in front of the television playing mario cart as if they had money on it, and others in the bathroom throwing up while another held their hair and swore they still looked pretty, and everyone.... everyone.... was chain smoking. It was a buzz in the ears of chatter and doings, over stimulation of all the senses at once and was truly a party.
I visited all stations.
I found myself corn rolling braids on a guy named AJ. He was fired soon after for doing heroin in the work bathroom, but still.... that night I rolled his hair as he played the mario game, it was an awesome head of unnecessary hair that my fingers couldn't keep out of. He looked like a sloppy Kurt Cobain brunette in dire need of hair help. AJ that night out of the blue screamed "School is for penguins!" That is where I got that phrase and have adapted it to many a thing. Work is for penguins, sober is for penguins, etc..... you get it. I have to agree, many a bullshit things.... are for penguins. Amen AJ. Too old for it now, but good times.