Monday, July 20, 2015

Better Off Dead

Looks like here is the full movie. Two dollars yo. Enjoy- JM

Everybody wants some

Better Off Dead is an epic 80's movie. Crazy epic. Find a way to watch it, won't be disappointed. - JM

Friday, July 17, 2015

This not at you, is for you and amazing song, leave people alone who don't deserve. I happen to like the four letter word is open. O.O! Opportunity to bash abounds, most awesome. - JM

I'm gonna burn one down

If you like don't like my fire, then don't come around......

We saw this man live with Jack Johnson.  Outdoors in Reno. Even outside you could get high within a five mile sniff, it was fucking amazing.  Not because of the pot consumption, just the hippy fucking attitude that if you didn't walk in with, was contagious. 


Thursday, July 16, 2015

Used to know......

Life has no strings unless you make them. Can be sad when someone lets you down, but really..... it's not. It's honesty and love of who that person is and how they respect, appreciate or don't, you as a friend, family or what the fuck ever. Hurts sometimes, but it get's that simple and better to know now than after investing a gang of time and love into a one sided relationship, from anyone. I told you to go Anquarian, we give a shit, but also have the easy ability to not care and walk away when justified, come to the water side.... Don't think my sentiment here means I don't care. I do, grandly at times but also can't let my pasts haunt and fuck with my daily. I guess I think it best to compartmentalize those things or address them if they are being a nag. Can't have it both ways. I'm fine saying goodbye to those who can't be bothered. I am not in the habit of a rabbit chase. Sometimes it is as simple as someone you used to know..... - JM


This a me always favorite, I sing it around the house a lot, today's dedication. - JM

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Human Nature Remix

A lot more buzz flashing on Caitlin Jenner. Leave her be, it's human nature, everyone need to quit judging and the pickery. Anyone in this world perfect and uniform who isn't bullshitting? Not never. Stop the eating of others for simple boredom, it destroys lives. And ps - Miss you Micheal, you are a very odd bird but amazing and misunderstood. "Why why do they do me that way, I like living this way,I like loving this way" - JM

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Atomic Forever

We've done this but, in the spirit of dog talk today..... 1982, atomic dog betch. This 80's in every way, look at fashion. Rock!! George Clinton and the Parliment Funkidelic /heart -JM


I believe I mentioned that my sister was insane about Duran Duran. I stepped on a record.... yes we had records, and she thought it quite intentional. I'm not certain it wasn't, but I do not recall aiming for it, was likely having clumsy Jeni twirl, I was I think about 8 years of age. - JM

Monday, July 13, 2015


Right.  And yeah I often start that way because it is simply how I speak.  So let's talk circa fuck all, 2000?  Freshly married to a man I never liked and have no excuse for marrying.  My mother literally cried.

His summer party was at Wild Waters in Sparks.  I felt .... poorly and ordered the chicken cutlet inserts.  With greedy hands and a wild accepting smile, I signed for said goodness and stole into the bathroom like a bandit with contraband thinking holy shit, I have boobs!

I had purchased an entire new bikini and all the pretentious shit to impress people I didn't know, never would and gave a single shit about.  But there I was..... walking in like Jenna Fucking Jameson on crack...... bouncing in with those stupid things as if a photo shoot was happening. 

Everyone having a good time, I know no one and make zero attempt to reach out and be fake.  I have learned in later years to embrace this.

I still resent it.

So I am dared to hit a water slider called the Black Widow.  Which means I had to climb a fucking mountain of angry stairs.  I did so.  Slowly.  I waved braver fuckers passed me with no pissy at all.  By all means, test that fucker out.

My turn.  Let's examine black widow.  It is a complete black out chute at like... mock 50 million.  I shot out... about fifty million miles an hour, raft gone, and trying to get myself proper when I hear "Mommy what IS that thing!!!!!" as she covers her kid, my fake boob totally bobbing nipple up in the water.

In front of my ex husbands entire company, I plucked it out of the water and ran off.  I gave no one an explanation.